Plan miasta Rogam

Rogam - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Chimp Wars

With murder came new real estate to colonise. Mitani's observations back up other anecdotal evidence from other parts of Africa. In Gombe National Park, the Kasekala community of chimps took over the territory of the neighbouring Kahama ...
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les non-titulaires campent devant le rectorat de créteil

des bvacations/b, travail ? la tâche sans garanties professionnelles ni protection sociale. les perspectives de titularisation déj? bien maigres deviennent quasi inexistantes (suppressions de postes aux différents concours, fin des ...
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The Little Things: 28 weeks

The glucose test, a bRhogam/b injection, and a sonogram. All went well! For starters, the "gross sugary" glucose drink was actually pretty good and tasted like Koolaid. No problems there :). For those of you who know me well, b.../b
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